viernes, 30 de junio de 2023

🌞𝒫⛱️ 𝓈𝓉 442🍹

🌞Cooling off in our new pool!! We love!!🏖️

🌞{KK} Zooby Animesh & Child Avatar

Unicorn Splash Pool {MyStory Compatible}.

Enjoy this summer unicorn splash pool perfect for little ones. The pool can call up to 6 Zooby babies. Floats for newborns and unicorn inflatable seats are also included in the pack. Child avatars can slide, dance splash and bob on inflatable unicorns and much more.. Click above the slide to rezz more decor including a rainbow unicorn, floaty stars, unicorns and bubbles. Chairs included for parents (single/couple anim) which are also scripted to sit zooby baby on. Please note, newborns will have to use their floats included due to the way they lay. Please also note, zoobies cannot SLIDE but can be called to the top of the slide. I will update this if we are ever given the slide scripts in the future.


lunes, 26 de junio de 2023

🍒𝒫🍉 𝓈𝓉 441🍒

🍉Do you want a cherry?🍒

P.O.S.E 🍒


Inky! cherry set


hairpin, mouth and ear cherry copy, mod


Jester Inc.🦄

🍉Watermelon Floatie!

100% Resizable & Fits Any Avatar

Custom scripts & animations, simply wear and splash into any SL system water to start swimming!


sábado, 24 de junio de 2023

🍓𝒫💮 𝓈𝓉 440🍓

🍓 Strawberry season!!

 (SW) Outfit Nilli TDB/BEBE (6Colors) 

🍓EVENT:  Thimble Event ,

P.O.S.E 💮

🍓p.o.s.e. snack  LB
poseballs are modify, so you can fit them for your avatar

🍓p.o.s.e.steal BB
poseballs are modify, so you can fit them for your avatar

jueves, 22 de junio de 2023

𝒫🦄 𝓈𝓉 439🍼🍼

 🧁Snack time!!🍼🍼

🐤[Jester Inc.] Animals Baby Bibs Multipack! 
11 different styles

[Jester Inc.] Food Baby Bibs Multipack!🧁
10 different styles

100% Resizable, recolorable Seams
Unrigged & Fits Any Avatar

🍼Available at Roselline Event

martes, 20 de junio de 2023

🌸𝒫☀️ 𝓈𝓉 437🏖️

 🌸Even if I don't let her suck my lollipop, I love my mommy above all things🏖️

Kids Jungle🏖️

☀️::..KJ..:: swim suits fatpack

Each pattern sold separately
Tops and bottoms sold separately so you can mix and match

Fits toddleedoo, bebe toddler, maitreya

🌸Available at Thimble Kids Event

viernes, 16 de junio de 2023

𝒫🏵️ 𝓈𝓉 436🕊️


TDB/BEBE 6 colors

🏵️Available at Daydream Event

P.O.S.E 🏵️

🕊️p.o.s.e. (add) dove

poseballs are modify, so you can fit them for your avatar.

🏵️marketplace :

jueves, 15 de junio de 2023

𝒫🙊 𝓈𝓉 435🐻

 🙊Camping weekend!!!🐻

{KK} Conjunto de campamento familiar de osos 🦗
~ Zooby Animesh, Toddleedoo y Lullabeebs ~ Compatible con MyStory
Este hermoso set de camping te permitirá horas de diversión con tu familia. Con sillas llenas de actividad, alfombrilla de juegos para bebés, parrilla de camping y camas con huds de textura completa junto con accesorios, esto seguro que traerá un ambiente familiar de vacaciones para ti y los tuyos este verano. Incluye una lista de lugares disponibles para acampar orientados a la familia (nc y lm incluidos). Lee la descripción completa del mercado para más información. Demo disponible en el mundo.

lunes, 12 de junio de 2023

𝒫🎡 𝓈𝓉 434🪁

🪁 My pinwheel spins non-stop🎡

P.O.S.E 💮

🎡P.o.s.e. funny pinwheel BB
Pinwheel included pink and blue

marketplace :

🎡for Woodland Kids Event Jun 

🪁DudaDreams Moon Birthmark (Evox)

🪁Sol Skin (Evox)
For Td Evox (show on apple)
Brow and no brow included
Porcelain and Milk

🪁Is now available at Roselline Event

viernes, 9 de junio de 2023

𝒫👑 𝓈𝓉 433🏰

 I am the protagonist of my life👑


Lil Princess - Patterns & Lil Knight
25 textures
LullaBeebs, Bebe, Chonk, TD
(se venden por separado)


P.O.S.E 🏰

👑p.o.s.e. summertime 1


2 poseballs copy, mod
flowers, dog copy, mod

martes, 6 de junio de 2023

𝒫💮 𝓈𝓉 432

 💮Blow hard I'll be fine!!!

Lisa Swimsuit
It's finally summer which means BEACH TIMES!
Lisa is a cute lil one piece swimsuit with lots of colors and patterns to choose from!

Comes in 12 packs of 10 textures
Sized for LB, Bebe, TD, Youth, and TWD

💮Woodland Kids event June 5th!

P.O.S.E 💮

NEW p.o.s.e. dandelion BB for Woodland Event on 5th

💮Dandelion and poseball copi/modi

🫧𝒫🌸𝓈𝓉 671🫧